Summer Staff is an intensive leadership development program. Every summer Camp John Hope FFA-FCCLA Center accepts college students to intern as Summer Staff. {Check with your degree program about getting internship credit!}
Who is eligible for Summer Staff?
We are looking for college students with the following characteristics:
- Must be one year out of high school and 18 years of age by the contract start date. In other words, if you graduated from high school in May 2023 or earlier, you will be eligible for Summer 2023.
- Must enjoy working with youth and want to see lives changed. That is why this camp exists, so this must be the most important motivation for any staff member.
- Must have an outstanding work ethic. The job is very demanding, so we do not tolerate any laziness.
- Must exhibit high moral character and must be a positive role model for campers. Staff are required to be someone that campers can look up to.
- Must thrive in a team atmosphere. Staff will be in a high-stress environment with other college students. Teamwork is critical.
- Must have the maturity to handle the responsibility and stress of camp life. We have a massive responsibility with being entrusted with these youth.
- Must have a positive and upbeat attitude. Camp life is hard, so a positive attitude is a vital to the success of the team.
- Must want to grow and be stretched. We not only invest in the campers, but we invest in the staff. You will be challenged to grow.
We also hire a staff supervisor. Preference is given to former summer staff who have a college degree. The staff supervisor must be:
- Professional and responsible
- Able to manage college students
- Willing to live in the staff cabin during summer
What does the Summer Staff do?
The primary job of the staff is to serve the campers and to set an example for them in every way. The goals of the staff program are:
- To provide a safe and enjoyable environment for campers
- To provide positive role models for campers
- To provide an intensive program for the Summer Staff to grow and develop critical skills for success.
Staff are responsible for overseeing recreational areas, conducting programs, and preparing the facility for campers.
In short, the staff serve. We do whatever is needed, from cutting the grass to conducting programs!
After Summer Leadership Camp, we will rent facilities to organizations. Our largest rental groups are church youth groups and children camps. For these groups we continue offering meals, lodging, and recreation, but we do not offer programs and assemblies. Summer staff will be involved in servicing these groups, mostly through operating the recreational areas and food service. |
Salary and Experience
The starting salary for first year staff who complete Staff Training is $350 per week. This is for a week - Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon. Staff lodging and meals during the week are provided. Staff will go home on most weekends. There are many weekends that we have campers, and we will ask some staff to stay. Please plan to work at least one weekend during the summer. Salary is pro-rated for the weekends.
No experience is necessary to be on staff. We do give first preference to those with FFA or FCCLA background.
Facility Information
Camp John Hope FFA-FCCLA Center is a year-round camp facility in Fort Valley, GA. Our primary purpose is to provide services and programs for FFA and FCCLA students in Georgia. We also rent facilities to educational organizations such as YMCA, Boy Scouts, and church ministries. Our facility has meeting rooms, food service, lodging, and recreation. Visit the facility website at www.campjohnhope.com for more information.
Summer Leadership Camp
During the first two weeks of summer, we engage in FFA-FCCLA Summer Leadership Camp - a week long camp for FFA and FCCLA students from across Georgia. It is a leadership and recreation-based camp for middle school and high school chapters. During this camp, we provide everything - meals, lodging, recreation and program.
Campers for Summer Leadership Camp arrive Monday morning and depart Friday morning. Staff report on Sunday afternoon and are released on Friday when the camp is clean (typically mid-afternoon).
Summer Staff operate the recreation areas, participate in assemblies and other programs, and help the campers have a great time. Some of the assignments during Summer Leadership Camp include:
- Operating the canteen
- Referee for kickball and volleyball
- Lifeguard at the pool
- Ropes Course instructor
- Craft shop operator
- Food service
The days are long - a typical day starts with breakfast 7:30 AM and ends back at your cabin around midnight. Staff stay in the staff cabins, not in cabins with campers. For more information about Summer Leadership Camp, visit the SLC page.
Why work here?
Anyone interested in being on Summer Staff must understand that this is a very challenging job!
- Staff work long hours! They work from around 7:30 AM until around midnight. The weeks are long (Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon.) You will be exhausted, but you have to give 100% at all times for the campers, and that is tough!
- Staff work hard! We do whatever it takes to make the camp enjoyable for the campers. That includes lots of manual labor. It requires a great work ethic, so lazy people need not apply!
- The salary does not match up to how many hours and how hard you work! Don't come here for the money!
- The rules are strict, and we have high expectations! We have a very strict set of policies that the staff must follow for the protection of the campers. We do not permit dating other staff, alcohol, drugs, inappropriate language, or any inappropriate behavior. We do not permit unprofessional appearances. Staff are expected to be outstanding role models at all times. Everything you do during the summer is our business (including weekends), because it impacts the campers we serve.
- You can't escape one another! Our staff members spend a lot of time together. If someone gets on your nerves, you have to be able to work with them. We serve the campers no matter what.
So why join the Summer Staff?
- It is a great learning experience! You will learn to work on a team, learn more about yourself, and you will be challenged in new ways. We will invest in you heavily because we want to make you more successful in whatever career you choose. Our goal is to see significant growth in you during the summer.
- It is fun! From activities like the blob, slip and slide, and ropes course, you will have the opportunity for new and exciting experiences!
- You get to invest in youth! If you have a heart for youth, you will have great opportunities to be a role model for them. Our purpose is to help develop character in young people, and you can play an integral role in that.
- It is an excellent experience for those wanting to teach or work with youth as a career!
- You might be able to use it for college internship credit! Check with your program advisor to see if this experience qualifies as an internship for your major.
- You can save money because room and board is free!
- You will be working with other college students with whom you have the opportunity to build lasting friendships!
- To steal a line from the Peace Corps, it is the toughest job you will ever love!